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84 results found

  1. Ability to create Shared Links to comments.

    Ability to create Shared Links to comments. Google Drive has this.

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  2. Speed up and eliminate latency on Access Stats report CSV download

    Speed up and eliminate latency on Access Stats report CSV download. Very slow, even for extremely small amounts of data.

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  3. Ability to select content and press the delete button to move it to the trash

    Ability to select content and press the delete button to move it to the trash

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  4. Box new user interface option that mimics the Admin Console Content Manager user experience

    Box new user interface option that mimics the Admin Console Content Manager user experience… REALLY valuable for people who are forced to use Box Drive, even though they would prefer the web app.

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  5. Automated tracking if someone watched a full video. VERY important if I want to host training videos in Box.

    Automated tracking if someone watched a full video. VERY important if I want to host training videos in Box.

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  6. BoxDrive-like UI for web apps

    I want you to change the UI of the web application like Windows Explorer or BoxDrive.
    Specifically, I would like the content list screen to be split into two, with the folder list displayed on the left and the contents of the folder displayed on the right.
    If you use this UI, you won't have to switch screens every time you want to display another folder, so I think it will improve work efficiency.


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  7. Copy file url

    From a folder, it is easy to create a copy a shared link, as when I hover over the file name, a button appears to the right of the file name. It would be great to be able to copy the file's direct url that easy (as opposed to the 'shared' link)

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  8. Update the layout of My Collection

    Under My Collections, please change the layout of the toggle button that pops open Collections folders so that it's not the exact same size/shape/location/color as the "X" boxes on individual favorites. More than once, when a page loads slowly, I've gone to expand a Collection and accidentally hit an "X" and wiped out an important favorite from my sidebar!

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  9. Add a "request to share with me" button to Box folders

    Lets say that a folder has Mary as the owner and Bob as the co-owner permissions wise. I would like a button that any other Box user can click on (for example a 'request permission' button) which when clicked, Mary and Bob will receive an email informing them that a user has requested viewer/editor rights for the folder (the user can select what permissions they are asking for). Mary or Bob can easily click an approve or a decline button from the email to grant or deny the access.

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  10. Enable ability to hide files or folders in my All Files view

    Enable ability to hide files or folders in my All Files view.

    These files and folders would still be searchable via the search bar, but they would be hidden from All Files.

    Also include the ability to review all files and folders that I've previously hidden in a separate "Hidden" tab, similar to how there is a "Recents" tab and "Notes" tab.

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  11. Improve UI for folder structure drop-downs

    I find it visually confusing that the drop-down carat for my Folders is the same size, color, and thin-stroked icon as the "X" which deletes my folders. I can't tell you how many times I've inadvertently deleted a Favorite because my brain is expecting a 2nd drop-down menu. Some differentiation in color, size, position, treatment, etc. might help.

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  12. See folder MB/GB/TB size in the Size or "..." portion of my User Interface, rather than only the Details section

    See folder MB/GB/TB size in the Size or "..." portion of my User Interface, rather than only the Details section.

    Currently, the Details section is tucked away, and it is not intuitive.

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  13. Enable me to add / and \ on my folder titles

    Enable me to add / and \ on my folder titles

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  14. Native "Box Classroom" UI similar to Google Classroom

    Offer a separate, dedicated UI for classrooms. "Box Classroom."

    Exact same as Google Classroom.

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  15. Ability to edit the way Box Looks

    Is box changing the way it looks constantly ? I don't like the changes and would prefer the choice to pick the way the program displays on my screen and would also like to rename my Favorite Tabs to what I want them to say not what the file name is.

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  16. Change order of the buttons in web interface

    Putting the "Trash" and "Download" buttons right next to each other in the web interface is a recipe for disaster. About 5 times a day I accidentally click trash instead of download.

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  17. Ability to switch english to french in Box for PDF's and other documents

    Have a toggle for French or Spanish users, to be able to switch the content to french or Spanish.
    Which will alter the pdf documents, Word , Excel and others within box?


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  18. Usability of action icon

    I am using box with google chrome. I always use action icon, dots right side of each file, to download a file, but I cannot select download when browser for box is fitted to main display of laptop because actions are pop-up to upside of a display and cannot be seen every actions.
    It is not happened if I see box with second display which is bigger than main one. It must be fixed.

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  19. Add a RE-DO function to the UI

    I accidentally covered a file (A) with another one (B) when I was UPLOADing (B). I want to re-do that step but I cannot find a way to do that. I tried to get access to older version of that file to recover the old one but there was no older version record, It looks like I lose that file (A) permanently.

    I need your help to:
    (1) Recover the file (A)
    (2) Add a RE-DO function to the UI

    Thank you.

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  20. Allow to keep original file name

    When a new version of a file is added, the name of the new file replaces the previous file name. We are doing a great effort to apply a naming convention to the department's folder and is a new Document Owner updates a version of a document, the convention is lost, or needs to be redone.

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