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68 results found

  1. Add Linux installer packages for Box CLI

    Testing out the Box CLI and request official Linux support for Ubuntu or RHEL. Would like an easy install via apt-get or Yum.

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  2. Make API rate limits more sophisticated, especially for large enterprises

    When working with a Box Enterprise that has tens of thousands of users, scripts designed to do things like user information syncing, group syncing, or user provisioning/deprovisioning often run into real issues with the Box API rate limits.

    Some calls (e.g. downloading or uploading a file) are clearly significantly more resource-intensive than others (e.g. getting a user’s aliases). The method Google has implemented for the Gmail API (see seems like a really great way to balance the need to protect the back-end systems against the need for increased performance for less-intensive calls. It would be nice if Box…

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  3. Bulk API support

    It would be great if we have a bulk API option. I would like to pass in the list of entity ids(could be files, folders users etc) and get back the results. This will reduce the number of api calls we do to get all the information.

    We try to manage client's storage accounts and the main problem is with rate limiting for a large clients.

    Implementation can vary, either limit the response size or provide an ack id and developers can poll for the id and get the data back once the api is ready to spit out the…

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    Thank you for the suggestion. This is an interesting idea but not one we currently have on the roadmap. In the mean time, you can apply techniques such as caching (i.e. fetch what you need once for a session and keep it in local storage) to reduce round-trips, and the use the ?fields query string parameter to request only the minimal set of fields you need, which can reduce API response times.

  4. File-level Collaboration Webhook

    I'd like to create a file-level webhook so that I can take action when a file's collaboration(s) have changed, but unfortunately there is currently no webhook trigger for collaborations on a file. Please add support for COLLABORATION.* webhook triggers on file objects.

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    Thanks for the suggestion! We don’t currently plan to add a Webhook event for file-level collaboration events, but if anything changes we will update this suggestion. If you have specific use cases to share, please add them as comments to this suggestion.

  5. Custom notifications using Box API

    Using Box API there is no way to create custom user notifications. It might be helpful to send some information to the customer that some documents have been moved, imported, etc. A user can monitor the folder but this would be a valuable extension for the API for platform developers.

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    Thanks, this is a great suggestion but not one that is currently on our roadmap. In the mean time, you can consider using Webhooks to get relevant events and make use of a simple transactional email/sms API such as those provided by Twilio/Sendgrid or Amazon SES to send notifications based on those events.

  6. Allow Enterprise Event API Endpoint to access 7yrs worth of data to match the activity reports provided by the web app

    Enterprise Events API endpoint only allows retrieval of events up to one year back. Activity reports in Box go back 7 yrs. Events contain a lot more useful data than activity reports so the request is to match the retention period between the two so the same amount of data can be collected via the API or web application.

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  7. Add a Webhooks v2 event trigger for restoring a file version

    If a file version is restored (via the webapp or API), there is no associated event trigger that captures this action. If an admin is monitoring a file for changes, no webhook is triggered for this action.

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    not planned  ·  crajan responded

    This is not currently planned. We will consider it with additional use cases and customer demand.

  8. Ability to add a message when we invite collaborators via Create Collaboration API

    This can be done on webapp (message field). We want to do this through API

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  9. Disclose Box service host names via API

    Open up Box host names via API so that a customer's proxy server can automatically fetch our end points and digest it in to their solution.
    There is a partial list available on our community page but it is not complete and difficult to fetch programatically.

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    Thank you once again for the feedback. We have evaluated the feedback but don’t think will have anything meaningful to share in the next couple of quarters.

    Meanwhile, we will continue to keep our ear to the ground for additional feedback, and let you know if anything changes on our side.

  10. Request to Add Overwrite/Version Functionality to File Copy Operations via API

    Currently the only way to add a version to a file is to download it and upload the new version with the If-Match header.

    We are archiving files when a new file version is uploaded to a "main" folder, and to do that we have to download the existing version to our server and then generate a separate request to upload the file.

    Ideally, we would be able to combine the requests into one - a COPY ( that can overwrite an existing file in the destination folder if the appropriate etag is supplied during the copy request.

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    not planned  ·  Aaron Verstraete responded

    This is not something we will build due to other roadmap commitments.

    Alternatively, you could always upload latest version to “backup folder,” delete file from “current version” folder, then copy “backup folder” version to “current version” folder.

    This will get you 100% version history in backup folder and avoid the need to download & upload the file a second time.

  11. Add ability to get a user's collaborations via API

    Since there is a function to get a list of invitations to the group, I want to provide the same to the users.

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    We don’t currently plan to provide such an API, however please leave a comment if you have more information about how this would be used. In the interim, you can identify all of a user’s collaborations by requesting items in the user’s root folder (id = 0) and filtering out those where the owned_by user is the current user. This would require an additional API call for each item to get the collaboration id, but if you are only interested in knowing which items re collaborated versus owned by the user, it may be sufficient for your purposes.

  12. API to sync folders for users.

    If we could sync folders directly through our internal web app it would cut several steps out of user workflows. I would love to put a sync slider next to the job line so they could sync directly from this screen.

    Specifically, I am talking about leveraging the tools via APIs. So having an API we could leverage to sync folders down for users.

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    This request cannot practically be implemented as an API. A client needs to control the state of local items on an endpoint such as a user’s computer, much like the Box Drive or Box Mobile clients do today. The only planned supported means for such synchronization capabilities are the Box Drive and Mobile clients.

  13. Enable remote uploads with Box API

    Allow remote uploads with our upload API. OneDrive and Dropbox allow this method.


    We would like to upload files from external services directly and do not want to download the file to the client. Being able to upload files directly from external services will avoid deduplication of files.

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  14. Preview of multi page illustrator file only shows the very first page

    Currently, Box Preview for illustrator files only shows the very first page even the file contains multiple pages.

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  15. List and Grid support in the Content Explorer JavaScript Libraries

    The java script libraries for content explorer do not appear to have an option to include toggle list/grid views which is available in the Box Drive experience.

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  16. Read only metadata templates or values

    The ability to set metadata on files and have it be read-only (aka not editable by end users).

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  17. Improve experience of GETting all users for large enterprises

    Large enterprises will often run nightly jobs to get a list of all users to sync w/ their own AD or for other purposes.

    It would be nice to be able to get the entire population via a single API call (say, return a link to a csv file or a .zip of several csv files) or at least increase the limit. For customers with >50k users, it can be painful to make many API calls to get the whole list of users.

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    We do not currently plan to provide all users via a single API request. For nightly synchronization of large user populations such such as the one described in this request, a more appropriate method would be to request relevant user and group events for that day from the enterprise events API and apply the changes there. When using this strategy, a full synchronization should only be required initially and in the case of some corruption or drift between the two systems.

  18. Box CLI - need more output options for folders:items.

    Specific to "box folders:items" but probably other commands as well:

    1) If I'm asking for --csv, AND specifying the fields via --fields=, I don't need a header telling me the fields I just requested. I'd like an option to disable the header, or default disable it and make me add it back.

    2) If I'm asking for specific fields as --csv, give me just those fields. If I'm asking for --fields=id I don't want it served back to me as "folder,#", I don't want to know it's a folder. If I later do something against that ID that is not…

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  19. Make license type info available via API

    We'd like to get the license type info (free or paid) when getting the below log by API.

    • event_type:SHARE

    Account Type: Unmanaged User / Managed User, etc
    User TypeL Lite (10GB) / Enterprise (Yearly), etc

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  20. Add folder upload support to UI Elements

    Currently, Content Uploader UI Element only supports uploading files. We want the ability to expand that functionality to folders.

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